Disaster Recovery
Data loss can happen in a number of ways: hardware failure, human error (file deletion), security attacks (viruses, hackers), internal attacks (malicious intent), and of course accidents and natural disasters.
In any IT network, it's not just the reliability of the backup, but also how fast you can recover. Allowances must be made for the method of backup and what to recover to; do you have the necessary hardware? If not, how long does it take to obtain? You could be down for days or longer, and that's not good for any business.
CompuMe can design, supply, implement and test an IT disaster solution for your business based on your requirements. In most cases the requirement from our clients is "We need our systems up and running within 'x' hours or 'x' days".
At CompuMe, we offer a number of backup and recovery solutions, both on-site and off-site. Some of these solutions can get your systems up and running within hours of a catastrophe, allowing you to rest easy knowing that you, your business, and your data are protected.
It's not a question of "Can you afford to?" but rather, "Can you afford not to?"